Sunday, July 16, 2017

Knowledge is Power: The Basics of Starting a Boutique

credit: iprachenko/iStock/GettyImages

If you're looking to open your own clothing store, chances are you've already had experience working in retail for a small or large store. You're knowledgable in the day-to-day processes and procedures, you know all about the current fashion trends and what brings in foot traffic, and you're ready to do it on your terms. 

Skills and experience, however, aren’t the only things that will make a boutique successful. Learning the basic needs of opening and running a boutique is also necessary. A basic knowledge can be a good advantage when it comes to sales.  Here are some of the basics that entrepreneurs should know before opening, running and growing a boutique.

Researching and Planning
Researching and planning can be more fun than boring. This will solidify your goals and dreams for the boutique, and it's a great tool that will help entrepreneurs when tracking the things needed for the boutique. 

There are times that people tend to forget things, so it is important for an entrepreneur to keep track of everything, especially the little details. After researching and planning, an entrepreneur will already have a good vision on what road the boutique will take including the target market, merchandise planning, and store aesthetic. 

Business Plan. This plan must be on the priority list of every entrepreneur. The business plan serves as the record of the plans, strategies, and goals. It is the first key to success. The business plan should include information regarding the financial aspects and operational procedures of the boutique. 

Marketing Plan. There is a lot of competition in the clothing industry, and it is important that startups have a detailed marketing plan that will aid in bringing customers to the boutique properly. It is wise to list the possible marketing strategies that will work for the boutique, and must include the expected amount of expenses for the marketing strategies.

The Right Location

Location, location, location. Choosing a location can be exciting, but is going to be a lot of work figuring out where exactly your customers are going to shop. Is your location home-based? Maybe your'e doing strictly online sales. Or maybe you'd rather go a mobile or brick-and-mortar site. All are important to consider for the success of your boutique.

About the Funding

It is common for startup entrepreneurs to think twice before opening a boutique or business because they lack money necessary to get started. Some entrepreneurs get denied by banks, especially when they are asking for loans. Even if the business has been successfully set up, funding can still be a little tough. 

Bootstrapping, crowdfunding, small business loans, angel investors and venture capital is a great help. There are various ways, and entrepreneurs should just know what fits them or what method they can use considering their financial situation.

Stocking the Right Merchandise

After researching, planning, and funding, it's time for operation. For better operations, the shelves and racks of the boutique should never be empty, so shoppers always have something to look through.

Always stay on top of the latest trends, but make sure you are picking what works best for your customer and prioritize those items on displays. Make sure to consider the season and display the appropriate clothing items. Installing good lighting and a decent fitting room is important, too. Create an inviting and homey vibe by painting neutral colors on the wall.

Author Bio

Stephanie Wheatly is a fashion blogger and an entrepreneur who focuses on business and fashion. Before changing her career, she worked as a legal researcher who enjoys researching about business changes and trends. When she is free, Stephanie usually spends time at home where she can write and relax at her pace.

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