Thursday, August 13, 2015

Local Designer Series: Local Designer Creates Medically-Inspired Menswear Accessories

After reading a medical article about how doctors can pass along infections from one patient to the next through their long ties, Iian Robert Mull and his husband Dr. Jim Sylvain decided to use Iian's fashion background to their advantage and do something about it. Not only did Dr. Sylvain start topping off his suits with bow ties, but a business was born. Read all about Beauhawk, and the man behind the brand, below.

Image from Beauhawk

DGG: Tell us about yourself, Iian.
Iian Robert Mull: My name is Iian Robert Mull and I currently live in Lansing, Michigan with my husband and business partner, Dr. Jim Sylvain. Besides being a small business owner, I am on the faculty at Central Michigan University in the Fashion Merchandising and Design program. Outside of fashion, my interests include exploring the mind and body connection by studying yoga and swimming. I love traveling, reading, great fitting soft T-shirts, and walking my dogs.

DGG: Tell us the Beauhawk story.
IRM: Beauhawk came into existence because of an American Medical Association (AMA) article that suggested that MRSA Staph Infection (and other bacterial infections) can be spread from one patient to another by contact with a physician’s long tie. My husband and business partner, Dr. Jim Sylvain, decided to start wearing bow ties instead. This became his signature look and with my background in the fashion industry, we decided to design and manufacture modern and fun bow ties.  We have branched out and started making long ties, too, for those guys that may feel a bow tie isn’t for them. 

Image from Beauhawk

DGG: What was your inspiration for the Downtown, Uptown, Midtown, SOHO and WEHO collections? 
IRM: The inspiration really came from the different types of individuals that might wear each type of tie. We took inspiration from New York City and other big cities, like Los Angeles. The Downtown version of our tie is the pre-tied bow tie and is an easy and quick way to make an outfit pop.  This style is targeted to a young and hip customer. The Uptown version of our tie is the traditional long tie, that being said, the Uptown customer is a little more traditional in their style choices, but still want to look sharp. The Midtown version is the traditional self-tie bow tie, and this tie is designed for a dapper gentleman that really likes to make a fashion statement with his tie. Branching in another direction, we decided to design and manufacture lapel pins to compliment our tie collection. The SOHO collection is a lapel pin with a miniature bow tie, and the WEHO collection is a lapel pin with a flower. 

DGG: Do you plan on expanding your product line in the future, or just sticking to ties?
IRM: Absolutely. Our ultimate goal is to be a lifestyle brand. At the moment we are in product development for great fitting, super-soft T-shirts.

Image from Beauhawk

DGG: What has been the most rewarding thing about starting your own company?
IRM: The most rewarding thing about starting my own company is to watch it grow. Being able to design a product, see it come to life, and then see customers wearing it - and looking great in it - is an amazing feeling. 

DGG: What is the best and worst advice you have ever received during this business venture?
IRM: The best advice I have received is to not work with friends. 

DGG: If you could style anyone in the world with your products, who would it be and why?
IRM: Robert Downy Jr.: Still super sexy, sophisticated and a little irreverent. 
Johnny Depp: Dandy, and loves to play with clothing.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt: He’s handsome, charming and dressed up well, plus he could use some fun with his clothing choices.  
Adam Levine: His body

Image from Beauhawk

DGG: How do you want to be remembered? 
IRM: I want to be remembered as a person who is passionate about what he did, believed, and loved. 

DGG: Describe your style.
IRM: I call my style traditional with a twist. I love traditional pieces like bow ties and I like to put a little modern twist on the garment. My style is a little bit of dandy mixed with street style -- I love color and print.

DGG: How do you take your coffee?
IRM: I take it with cream!

DGG: Tom Ford menswear or Brunello Cucinelli menswear?
IRM: Tom Ford all the way. 

DGG: Belts or suspenders?

IRM: Both. I like options!

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